MREB Committees


Civic Reception


The Communications Committee is responsible for the publication, promotion and circulation of all information dealing with the Board and the real estate industry generally and shall promote and enhance the image of the Members of the Board and the real estate brokerage business within the industry.


The Committee meets to make recommendations to the Directors pertaining to all education matters relating to the Board.


The Finance Committee meets regularly to review the financial statements of the Board, the report of the auditors and the general financial position of the Board and to report to the Directors including recommendations.



The Governance Committee shall regularly examine and review the By-law, Rules and Regulations of the Board and recommend and report to the Directors on any additions, amendments or deletions to same that the Committee deems appropriate.

Government Relations

The Government Relations Committee puts forth current issues of importance to both organized real estate and REALTORS®. Correspond on behalf of/the Board with municipal, regional, provincial, or federal levels of government. Liaison with OREA and CREA regarding any form of political activity. Promote the interests and concerns of the real estate industry and the Board before all legislative bodies and review all proposed legislation relating to the real estate industry to determine its impact on the Board and the Members.


The Committee shall encourage and promote Membership in the Board consistent with the Board's interests and shall report to the Executive Officer on all applications for Membership.

MLS® and Technology

The Committee shall review and consider the operation generally of the MLS® System and make recommendations in respect to it to the Board of Directors; and perform other duties pertaining to the MLS® System, Technology and Related Services as may be referred to it by the Board of Directors from time to time.


The Nominations Committee consists of the two (2) most immediate past Presidents who are still Members in good standing with the Board and who are willing and able to serve.

Professional Standards

Standing committee as per By-Laws. It only meets should there be a written complaint regarding the conduct of any Member of the Board and/or should a claim be presented to the Board of Directors.

Related Services

Mandate to create brand awareness of the MREB, promotional opportunities, networking, and marketing. General Meetings, Trade Shows, Gala's and other special events recruitment program for exhibitors and sponsors.